czwartek, 7 stycznia 2010

The Fourth Table in Poland


The Fourth Table in Poland

Hermandad de la Costa in Poland marked the New Year 2010 with its next, fourth table inaugurated in the old Royal Town and Hanseatic Harbour of Gdansk.

It joined the three existing already Tables of BOC Poland: in landlocked towns of Warsaw and Lublin, plus another sea harbour town – Szczecin.

The proper ceremony took place on the New Years Day 1st January 2010 in the renowned sailors den, the International Sea Club ‘ZEJMAN’ located in the very center of town, on Granary Island, in old XVII century granary ‘Steffen’. The new MESA consists of seven Polish Brothers and one ‘engage’ (or ‘junga’, or ‘bichicuma’), sworn-in and accepted already on previous National Zafarranchos. The Polish National Captain, Jerzy Demetraki-Paleolog approved that creation move in advance.

During that first Zaf new Gdansk Brothers elected officials of their new Table: As the captain-leader they appointed Brother Andrzej Drapella (89), who besides being a keen yachtsman is also a merchant navy captain of many years active service. In Poland we call leader of local table a ‘Storman’ because the sole, one and only in Poland, THE CAPTAIN of “Bractwo Wybrzeża”, is the National one.

To help the Storman there is a Scribe, Brother Tomasz Borda (113) and a Bosun, Brother Andrzej Debiec (116), who, as a matter of fact, is the host, because he is running the tavern called ZEJMAN since year 1995 already. He is an architect of its fame and his dedication to cultivate maritime traditions is well acknowledged by many, including international yachtsmen visiting Gdansk Marina situated in the vicinity. The ZEJMAN assumes now a function of official quarters of Gdansk Table of Polish Brotherhood of the Coast.

Jerzy Knabe VI BOC Poland 5 January 2010


Dziekuje pieknie! Gratulacje!


Witajcie Bracia i przyjmijcie gratulacje! Wreszcie stalo sie to co winno sie juz stac lata temu. Ciesze sie ze bliski memu sercu Gdansk umiescil kolejny klejnot w swojej koronie. Tak trzymac!


Maciej 'Robinson Crusoe' (80)


To piekny prezent na Nowy Rok.!Gratulacje i moje braterskie zyczenia by Nawa Wasza rozkwitla i wniosla nowego ducha hanzeatyckiej zaradnosci, praktycznosci i znanych
od dawna talentow w odnoszeniu sukcesow. Niech Wasz kilwater znacza radosci ze wspolnego dzialania i perly waszych dokonan, ktorych przyklady uswietniaja od dawna poczynania Mese Kaprow Polskich.

Gienek (73)

Drodzy Bracia Mesy Gdanskiej,
Sle gratulacje i zyczenia pomyslnosci Mesie w porcie mego statku.
Darek (101) Pekala sy Halibut


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